Yes, it’s Fall and it’s time to begin preparing your yard for Winter — and Spring.

That’s right, as we cross off the Winter checklist, it’s important that you go ahead with an eye to Spring.

Schedule Spring Landscapes Now

Once Winter blows through and homeowners get spring fever, they start thinking about Spring Landscaping ideas. And before you know, the schedule for Spring landscaping projects gets full rather quickly. So, we recommend thinking ahead to Spring and making your Spring plans now with Butler Landscapes and Design.

Winter Landscape Preparation

In the meantime, here is what we have planned for Winter landscape preparation.

First, is mulching. Fall mulching is better for the plants than spring mulching. It helps protect roots from frost and helps retain moisture during a cold and dry winter.

Butler Landscapes and Design uses quality hardwood shredded mulch to keep your lawn and garden healthy and free from disease spores often found in free mulch.

Also, while Fall is not the time to prune, because that encourages growth when plants should remain dormant, we do want to remove dead annuals, spent blooms, etc. We also lightly prune any  dead or dying branches from trees and shrubs.

Sit Back and Get Ready for Spring Plantings

With that all taken care of, you should feel quite content looking out at a neat n’ tidy yard during the gray days of Winter.

Don’t forget, Spring will be here before you know it, so be sure to give us a call if you need a fresh design or new plantings for Spring.

Photo Copyright: garytog / 123RF Stock Photo